This morning I finally cracked open a notebook that had been sitting on my shelf for a few months.

I don’t know if you’re anything like me, but I’ll buy a fancy notebook and then will immediately proceed to…

NOT write in it because I don’t want to “mess it up”. Can you relate?

So I end up writing my notes down on one of those big yellow pads instead. “There’s a lot more room anyway”, I say to justify it to myself.

Anyway, this morning while feeding the cats and drinking coffee from my favorite mug…

(if you’ve watched “the office” then you might appreciate the color changing picture on the side)

…I was contemplating the following question.

“What does it take to go from just an idea to creating ONE customer… and then TEN… and then ONE HUNDRED… then ONE THOUSAND+?”

I felt inspired so I cracked open my fancy notebook and began to write my answer.

There’s a lot to unpack from that question but here are the cliff notes…


T for Thinking – It takes thinking, calculated thinking. Thinking about your business model, strategy, tactics, & offers with a full awareness of the likely consequences of those decisions. Who are my customers going to be? What problem am I going to solve for them? How am I going to solve it? How am I going to get the word out? How have these decisions impacted other businesses? How might these decisions impact MY business in the future?

W for Words – It takes compelling words. Words that grab attention, evoke interest, and channel your chosen customers’ existing desire onto your product in a powerful way.

I for Inspiration – It takes contextual inspiration. 10 out of 10 times you will run into problems, hiccups, obstacles, barriers. Some of them may seem insurmountable. Perhaps it’s not being tech savvy, not marketing savvy, or just not feeling like you’ve got what it takes to do this. This can keep us ‘stuck’ in inaction and one of the best ways to get us out of that funk is to get a dose of contextual inspiration. Reading or watching/listening to stories of people who have done something similar to what you are looking to accomplish. Inspiration won’t solve everything, but it can be the thing that gives you just enough ‘energy’ and ‘motivation’ to get unstuck again.

S for Self-Management – It takes consistent self-management. Doing a task at a given time, in the same way, every time, because you said you would. Distractions and disorganization can kill a business and so success in going from idea to ONE customer and beyond requires that you are able to execute your plans on a consistent basis.

T for Traffic – It takes creative & continual traffic. This means coming up with creative ways to get traffic. Putting ads in a variety of locations and getting traffic from multiple different sources to the point that you are always receiving traffic 24/7 and have a process (that you came up with at the “Thinking” stage) by which to continually convert those visitors into customers.

If you’re feeling stuck in your business or feel like you’re not making the progress that you want to be making…

The culprit is likely found in one of the following letters… TWIST.

If you’ve got a question about any of the above topics, send them over.

I’m going to start a Q&A column (#AskEddys) in my weekly email newsletter and since you’re a subscriber, you can send in a question at any time.

But before you do, here’s a few things to know about #AskEddys…

1 – I won’t be able to answer all the questions but while this email list is small, your chances of getting your questions answered are HIGH.

2 – To increase your chances of getting your questions answered, ask a topical or big picture question where the answer can be of benefit or compelling to most people on the list (people wanting to start or grow their online business) — bonus points if you have something inspiring, urgent, or a juicy bit of ‘drama’ to share along with your question.

3 – Each week I’ll pick one or a few of the questions to answer in the newsletter.

4 – To submit your question, you can reply to any of my emails and make sure to include the phrase #AskEddys so that I can search for it in my inbox.

What do I get out of this?


Ideas for content, products, ads, and I get to know everyone on my list a bit better too.

Ultimately, your questions will help me turn this email newsletter ( ) from just a content blog into a profit center that goes from 6 to 10 to 100 and then 1,000+ customers like I’ve done (and am doing) in other markets.

If you want to follow along and do that for yourself as well, you’ll want to stick around 🙂

Have a great weekend!

Eddys Velasquez




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