đŸ«’ How To Grow Your List With Green Olives


calculated Thinking —

3 Step Formula For Coming Up With NEW Money-Making Front End Offers That Grow Your List Full of Buyers

This morning I got woken up by Shadow with his whiskers right in my face

 demanding that I get up and feed him right MEOOW!

He’s a big lazy kitty (a Mackerel Tabby) that loves to relax most of the day but when it comes to his food, he doesn’t mess around.

The other cat’s name is “French”.

He’s the opposite.

He’s small, full of energy, jumps everywhere, and looks like he’s wearing a tuxedo and little white boots.

He loves food too but they both come running for distinctly different things.

For example, let’s say I’m making an omelet with green olives.

Shadow will RUN over, rub himself on my legs, and meow for little piece of olive. French doesn’t really like them and when I offer him a little piece he’ll just briefly sniff it and run off somewhere else.

On the other hand, if I open the back door French will come bounding over so fast he sometimes runs into the wall because he just can’t stop himself in time! French loves going outside while Shadow will just amble over slowly & cautiously.

Just like these cats, your chosen market is full of different Shadows & Frenches.

And your job is to find the ‘green olive’ (aka the thing) that will get them to RUN to your offer.

And so the first step in the formula to come up with a new money-making front end offer is

Q1: WHO are you helping, specifically?

If you want people to RUN to and buy your offer, you want to be clear on who you are creating it for in the first place.

Every niche market has people in it that can be grouped together by different characteristics, preferences, and biases.

Here are two ways to identify your market segments within your main market

1 – Demographics

These are things like gender, age, relationship status, kids/no kids, income, occupation, etc.

2 – Psychographics

This is how they identify themselves (their beliefs, their values, their opinions, and attitude towards things).

Also it can be about their behavior (their lifestyle, what they like to do, what they don’t like to do, who they associate or hang out with, who they avoid, etc)

For example, in the Golf market.

You’ve got male golfers & female golfers.

You’ve got avid golfers who are very passionate about golf and play it multiple times a week.

You’ve got weekend warriors who just play on the weekends every now and then and generally are not as good at the game as an avid golfer.

You’ve got golfers who take things very seriously and are always trying to lower their score, tweak their swing, and generally always looking for that edge.

Then you’ve got golfers who are just out there to have fun. Sure, they may be competitive but they’re mainly out there to drink a beer and have a great time with their buddies.

Then you’ve got those that bet money and those that don’t.

Older golfers, younger golfers.

Golfers who are playing for the first time.

Golfers who are getting back into it after several years away.

Etc. etc.

By now, you get the idea.

You’ve got just as many segments or more in your market and the first step is to pick ONE market segment to move forward with.

Q2: WHAT is their specific situation?

With your ONE chosen market segment in mind, what is ONE situation they find themselves in?

A situation is the specific scenario someone finds themselves in.

1 – The specific outcome they want.
2 – The main problem that is keeping them from getting that outcome.
3 – And the main obstacle, roadblock, or barrier in the way of them solving that problem.

For example, when I used to sell vegan recipe books, this was the situation of one of our customers, Tommy.

Outcome: Tommy was a woman in her 50’s with adult children. She wanted to get into better shape and just be healthier so that she could keep up with her grandchildren.

Problem: Tommy was suffering from constipation and bloating.

Obstacle: Tommy’s diet had little to no vegetables and she just didn’t know how to best incorporate them into a tasty dish she could enjoy instead of detest.

Your second step is to analyze the market segment you chose and identify ONE situation to move forward with.

What is their desired outcome?
What is their problem holding them back from getting that outcome?
And what is the obstacle holding them back from solving that problem?

Q3: HOW are you going to solve the problem for that specific market segment in that specific situation in a way that is different from other alternatives they’ve tried?

Now this is where the rubber hits the road and where a lot of people get stuck.

For Tommy, our solution wasn’t a supplement or an exercise plan.

Instead, it was our 2 week menu that was filled with delicious recipes that contained lots of vegetables. We got an email from Tommy saying that her first two meals had her going to the restroom right away and her bloating had reduced!

It wouldn’t have been the same if I had sold her a book filled with BBQ recipes.

The key here is RELEVANCE.


You want an offer that is specifically designed to solve the problem for the PERSON you chose (market segment + situation).

And you want the solution to have some component of novelty to it. Chances are they’ve already tried several other solutions with varying degrees of success. However, most probably didn’t work otherwise they wouldn’t still be in the market.

You can add novelty by introducing a new process, method, or system that solves the problem faster, easier, and with significantly better results.

You can also add novelty by identifying a root cause for the problem (symptom) they are experiencing. This way your solution is no longer competing with the alternatives because now it’s in a space of its own – solving a different problem that the specific PERSON (market segment + situation) didn’t even know they had.

Bottomline, the third step is to come up with a tactical, step-by-step solution that is both relevant to the market segment & situation you’ve chosen AND has an element of novelty. Something they can go and do quickly that works amazing well most or all of the time. As close to a “magic bullet” as you can get.

Get These 3 Things In Alignment

1 Who
1 Situation
1 Solution

And you’ll have an offer that a group of people within your market will RUN to and buy, even if they had been lazy or hesitant to buy any of your products before. Just like my cat Shadow will RUN to get his piece of green olive even though he is super lazy.

What is the green olive for your market segment?

The truth is there are multiple.

Start with one.

And then create more.

Until you’ve got several highly compelling front-end offers that are growing your list full of buyers every day.


If you’ve got a question about today’s email topic, you can subscribe to my email newsletter below and reply to any of the emails with a question.

I’ll pick one or more of the submissions to reply to in a future email newsletter.

OR, if you’d rather keep your question & business details private you can ring the 15-Minute Marketing Hotline.

It’s something new I’ll be offering most weeks (not every week though just in case I don’t want to get on zoom that week lol).

We’ll get on zoom (video or audio only if you prefer) and you’ve got my ‘brain for hire’ or a ‘second set of eyes’ to help you answer or solve ONE tightly focused question or tactical problem you’ve been struggling with.

This week, that topic is – coming up with highly compelling front-end offers. If that’s something you need help with this week

📞 Ring the hotline.

It’ll be $100.

And limited spots per week.

This week I’m only making 3 spots available (first come first served).

It’s not a big money maker for me, but rather a way to get to know & engage with people on my list.

This way I can understand your situation better and come up with more of my own future green olives as well 😉 – It’s a win-win.

See you on the next one

Eddys Velasquez

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Also, if you happen to have an email list or online following of at least 500 people (combined) in the ‘coaches/consultants/course creators’ niche and you share a link to this blog post with your audience (i.e. sending an email or making a post on social media or both), I will give you a complementary copy of my Sales Page Architect course OR a complementary 15 Minute Marketing Hotline spot, whichever you prefer.  It’s currently in BETA but the raw core content is available and ready to go through.  After you’ve shared it with your list, just send me a screenshot for proof ( support @ digitalmarketingrx .com ) and I’ll get you access to the course.

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