Date night?


Today, I’m going to tell you the secret sauce behind my sales campaigns.

Why their success (or failure) is often determined way before I write a single word of copy.

And how you can apply this concept to your own products.

Pour This Secret Sauce On Your Products For More Sales…

Listerine first hit the market in the 1880s.

It was originally invented as a general germicide as well as a surgical antiseptic and used for a variety of things like foot cleaning, floor scrubbing, and even gonorrhea treating.

It wasn’t until the 1920s, however, that Listerine was positioned as a solution for bad breath, or “halitosis” a term they coined (according to Inglis-Arkell).

Within seven years of the original campaign launch, Listerine’s revenues rose from $115,000 to $8 million.

What made it work?

They found a broader secondary function for their product that tapped into people’s social anxiety.

Here’s a More Modern Example Of This…

In this case, it’s about an online course that shows you how to dance.

A very basic approach to promoting this course would be to sell it to people who want to learn how to dance.

However, what the owner of this company did is quite brilliant.

He recognized a broader secondary function of his product that tapped into people’s desire for a deeper connection (or bond) with their spouse or significant other.

So he named his course “Date-night Dancing”.

The headline of their sales spage is…

“Date Night: Living Room Dancing.  Connect, laugh, and have a blast together right at home!”

And it must be working because I’ve been seeing their ads run consistently for a few years now.  

In fact, just one of their ads had over 90k reactions and several thousand comments (many of those comments from happy buyers talking about how they love the program).

Here’s An Example From One of My Own Offers…

If you’ve been on my email newsletter awhile then you probably know I used to sell recipe books to the Spanish speaking market.

Specifically, vegan recipes.

I was partnered with a stay-at-home mom in California who would create the recipes and I would package them up and sell them.

One of the products we sold was a 2-week menu with over 100+ vegan recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  A menu that solved the “what to eat” problem for someone wanting to go on a plant-based diet.

However, the broader secondary function of this product was that it helped people lose weight and tapped into people’s desire to look & be more attractive.

I did not sell the book as a vegan recipe menu but instead as the recipes my business partner used to get healthier, lose weight naturally, & get ‘sexier’ etc.

This worked amazingly well and opened up the product to a wider audience as well.

Finding A Broader Secondary Function Of Your Product…

… is just ONE of the several different ways you can position your product for more sales.

You can also do…

Single-Specific secondary function.

Timely secondary function.

Alternate audience secondary function.

And others.

Most of these you can do with little to no modifications required for your product.  Perhaps some minor cosmetic changes like the name of your product, perhaps a new ebook cover, or a new course mockup.

Some of these strategies may require the creation of a new bonus to go along with your existing product, or perhaps some minor content adjustments to make the product more compatible with the new positioning.

But in the end, it can pay off by the flurry of new Stripe or Paypal notifications in your email… 😉

I call them “💰Money Dings” because I’ve got a zapier automation that texts my phone when I’ve made a sale and I’ve edited the sound for those specific messages to sound like a cash register… cha-ching! 

By the way, those notifications sound so much sweeter when you are not working… lol

I’ve Got A Special Invitation For A Few of You Today…

If you’ve got a digital product or course that you think has more potential than what you’ve currently been getting out of it and would like me to give it a “Face-lift” or a 💰Money Dings Refresh (MDR)”  … Eddys style

Then just sign up for the email newsletter below and reply to the welcome email with the letters “MDR” and I’ll get you all the details.

I’m going to work on this with a few people (first come first served) because I’m wanting to get some new case studies I can talk about in some content I am working on for a new product.

See you on the next one…

– Eddys Velasquez




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