Buy Back Your Time With These 4 Types of Info-Products…


Every 4 years I watch the World Cup.

I’ve been doing that ever since I can remember and this year is no different.

This time the World Cup is being played in Qatar with 32 football (soccer) teams playing for the chance to say they are the best in the world.

The only problem?

Right now, during the initial group stages, there are four games PER day starting at 4am, 7am, 10am, and 1pm Central time. It later moves to two games a day.

Anyway, the reason I share this is because I’ve set up my online business so that I have the TIME to watch one or ALL of these games if I want (or at least have them playing on one side of the monitor while I work).

A few years ago I got into a situation where I was getting on Zoom Calls every day, multiple times a day. If I still had to do this, I would not be able to watch my soccer games in the background or yell “GOOOOOLLLLL” while on the call with a client lol

If you’re a coach, consultant, or a service provider of some sort you get to enjoy the freedom of doing things on your terms…


Often, if you’re not careful, your terms can turn into a sort of “Zoom Call Jail” where your schedule is jam-packed with 1-on-1 client calls, group calls, calls with your team, etc.

I don’t have kids, but a few years ago a health consultant I know told me that she began to hate her online business when her 8 year old at the time mentioned (I’m paraphrasing) “Aww, you’re doing ANOTHER webinar thing today? I miss you mom!”

Anyway, in the initial stages of building your business you may not be able to be completely hands off, but one thing you can do to help buy back your time and get out of “Zoom Call Jail” is to start offering info-products in your business.

This lets you put in the time once to create the content and then leverage that same unit of work to generate revenue every day for months or years without having to get on a call to fulfill the content.

The customer buys your info-product, it gets delivered to them automatically, the transaction is done (no call to get on!)

Here Are 4 Types of Info-Products You Can Offer

Type #1 – Ebooks – This can be a simple “how-to” guide that solves one-specific problem. If there is a burning question you get on your calls all the time, it might be useful to turn your answer into a detailed step-by-step process that you can direct people to. This lets you answer the question briefly and then direct the question askers to your Ebook that explains everything in detail.

Creating an Ebook is as simple as outlining the step-by-step process, writing each section, and then exporting the text as a PDF that can be delivered via your autoresponder or you can make the text accessible online via a platform like Learn from ThriveCart (like I did with my Impactful Words Guide).

If you want to go super minimum viable, you can just share a link to a “view only” Google Doc with everyone who buys.

Ebooks are not always big revenue makers since they are usually priced below 100 dollars but they make great front-end products to build your customer list – and they help build demand for your other products or services.

Type #2 – Courses – This is where you create an expanded “how-to” guide that solves a bigger problem with multiple milestones. For example, the topic of “How To Launch Your First Digital Product Sales Funnel” has multiple milestone (create your offer, write your sales page, create all the necessary product content, tech setup, write your ads, get traffic, etc)

This would be better as a course than an Ebook because it has multiple milestones that each need to be broken down into multiple step-by-step processes.

Usually courses are delivered as a combination of video, audio, and text. Of course, you could do text only courses, audio only courses, or video only courses if you wanted.

However, one quick shortcut is to start with a video course first. You can then strip the audio (and include the audio files or stream them for those that want that) and get the audio transcribed to provide PDF transcripts of the videos (or shorter cheat sheets/checklists based on the longer video content).

Courses are great revenue drivers since you can usually offer these for several hundred or even a few thousand dollars depending on your market and the topic of your course.

Usually, courses will sell best to your existing customers since they already know, like, and trust you – but they can also be sold on the front-end.

These will buy back your time faster than almost anything else because you only need to sell a few of these courses per day to replace some of your client income (and therefore allow you to take on LESS clients if you wanted to).

Type #3 – Workshop or Live Call Replays – If you’re already offering live workshops or calls where you help your clients solve problems, the replays can be turned into instant info-products.

These work great for front-end products to get new customers and can also be sold as back-end products to existing customers who were not on the live call.

If you’re not already doing live workshops or live call replays, then an easy way to create this info-product would be to first sell tickets to a workshop or live call at a low or discounted rate.

You’re offering the low rate in exchange for feedback on the content and in exchange for them implementing your solution and sharing those results with you (along with permission to then share their results in your marketing).

Record the workshop or live call and then offer the recording as-is or create additional complementary content to offer along with it.

Replays are FAST ways to get an info-product created as opposed to the time it takes to plan and create a full course.

Type #4 – Dripped Micro-Nuggets (DMN) – This is one of my favorite ways to create recurring revenue in an online business. This info-product (recurring revenue offer) is where you deliver ONE or a small amount of actionable information on an ongoing basis (every week, every two weeks, every month, etc.)

For my site an example of a DMN would be if I sent you ONE or TWO new ad templates for you to test each week.

I’ve done this in the Vegetarian recipe niche where we offered a new recipe book every month.

In the Piano niche, this would be sending one new song tutorial/class each week.

One of my clients offers a new fitness routine each week.

The key to having a DMN offer buy back your time is to create the content ahead of time, automate the delivery, and price it low so that people stay on for months or even years at a time.

Think 4.99, 9.99, 19.95 etc.

If you already have a higher priced recurring revenue offer where you do live calls, you could break each live call down into micro-nuggets that you can deliver in a DMN offer to people who don’t want to be on the live calls (but would love to get the micro-nuggets) at a lower price.

If your schedule is full of zoom calls and you love it, don’t change a thing, keep on doing what you love.

However, if you’d rather buy back some time in your schedule, consider adding one or even all 4 of these info-product offer types to your business.

This will let you generate revenue that you do not have to fulfill personally which will then allow you to take on LESS clients (and therefore less zoom calls).

And who knows…

You might like it so much that you transition to a 100% info-product business where you could…

– Watch FOUR football (soccer) games per day if you wanted to – I actually only watch about two of them…

– Spend more time with your family/kids/grandkids…

– Or just not be “on the hook” each day because you have multiple zoom calls on the schedule.

See you on the next one…

Eddys Velasquez

P.S. Want to know one strategy to enroll customers into your recurring DMN membership every day? There’s actually TWO strategies I would use.

If you haven’t introduced yourself yet, reply to the welcome email you receive (after subscribing to the weekly email newsletter) and tell me a little about yourself, your business, and what you’re expecting to accomplish in 2023 and I’ll share those two strategies with you.

If I already know you, you can skip the intro part, but just tell me what you’re working on and what you’re looking to accomplish in 2023, and I’ll share the two strategies I’d use to get members into your DMN membership every day.

Talk to you soon!




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