How To Sell Your Digital Product To Strangers Who Don’t Already Know, Like, And Trust You.


So how did it feel when you launched your digital product for the first time?

Good, right?

You probably got a handful of sales from friends and family who always support you, then perhaps a few more sales from people who saw the posts your friends shared about your product.

But then what?

You make a few more enthusiastic posts and a trickle of sales comes in so you’re excited, you feel a bit of momentum building…

But then eventually…

People stop commenting on your posts and instead just give it an “obligatory” like.

Maybe you muster up the courage to post once again but this time, things are DRY, drier than the ground in West Texas!

Your enthusiasm vanishes and you’re now embarrassed to post anything else because you feel like you’ve already “bothered” everyone enough and maybe everyone who was going to buy, already bought, so why post again?

You don’t want to appear needy, pushy, or like you are begging people to buy…

…but you still need to make sales of your digital product that you already spent a lot of time & effort on… So what now?

How Do You Keep Making Sales of Your Digital Product Once Everyone You Know Who Was Going To Buy, Already Bought?

Sooner or later you’ll run out of people in your immediate network who are willing to buy your product so you’ll inevitably need to go outside of that immediate network and offer your product to strangers.

But how do you do that? Especially when nobody knows you and you don’t want to be seen as the flyer pusher on the sidewalks in New York City, LA, or Las Vegas.

Or an even better example…

When I go get my dental work done in Mexico, I cross the border on foot, I then walk a few blocks down to the dentist we’ve been going to for years.

Those few blocks are filled with other business owners (or their employees) outside of their offices, shops, buildings, and restaurants attempting to shove cards or fliers into my hand. As a business owner I can relate, they are doing what they know to get a customer, I smile at everyone, thank them for their card and keep going on my way.

However, some of them can get very pushy and after enough of them doing that my smile fades and I just make a beeline for my dentist’s office right away.


Because none of them are tailoring their message to MY awareness level and specific self-interest (that is how you sell your digital product to strangers)!

You Expand By Creating & Distributing Content That Is Tailored To The Awareness Level of The Strangers You’re Going After.

Let me explain…

There’s 5 awareness levels.

Most aware – People who know you, they know the details of your product, and are inches away from buying but just need a little nudge or incentive to go ahead and make the purchase.

Product aware – People who are aware of your product and are now comparing it with other products they’ve seen. These people need to know why your product is better or different than the other products available.

Solution aware – People who know the general solution required to solve their problem but are still not aware of any particular product that would be best for them.

Problem aware – People who know what their problem is but do not know the best solution for their specific situation.

Unaware – People who are completely unaware that they even have a problem.

Each awareness level needs to be talked to differently.

If You’re Going To Talk To Strangers, You’ll Want To Focus On Solution Aware, Problem Aware, and Unaware folks.

The solution aware people need insight into which product in particular would be the best fit for their situation and why.

The problem aware people need information about which solution in general would be the best fit for their situation and why.

And the completely unaware folks need to first discover, realize, or accept that they actually have a problem in the first place.

The goal is to move them from the awareness level they are currently at into the next level and the next and then the next until they are at a point where they are now ready to consider buying your product because you’ve ticked all the right boxes (answered the right questions)…

Unaware → Problem Aware → Solution Aware → Product Aware → Most Aware

Unaware – “I don’t know I have a problem”

Problem Aware – “I know what my problem is but don’t yet have a solution”

Solution Aware – “Ok, I know what the best solution is but don’t know which product is best for my situation.”

Product Aware – “Alright, I’ve found a great product but I wonder if there are others that would be a better fit for my situation.”

Most Aware – “Ok, I like this product and I think I’m going to buy it but I’m going to wait until next week, maybe they’ll run a sale on it soon”

There you have it…

That Is How You Sell Your Product To Strangers.

How well does it work?

Well you can actually compact this process into an Ad + Sales Page combo. The ad gets the attention of the audience with messaging tailored to their awareness level and then you let your sales page do the job of taking them through the rest of the levels ultimately resulting in a purchase.

I implemented this same approach for a client and they’ve now done well over $1M in revenue in the last 3 years selling to complete strangers!

They don’t know the client when they first see their ads but by the time they click on the ad and are done reading the sales page they have traveled through all the stages of awareness and are in a perfect position to consider purchasing the product (and many of them do).

Of course there are many other factors at play like my client’s credibility and authority in the market and the fact that they have a great product, but the same strategy can still be used for someone starting from scratch (even if no one in your market outside of your immediate network knows you yet).

If you are wanting to expand past your immediate network and learn how to sell your product to strangers, this Ad + Sales Page combo strategy is a great starting point.

To learn how to write a Sales Page that moves people through the different levels of awareness and ultimately ends up in a sale, I invite you to try my course…

“Sales Page Architect”

If you decide to pick up the course, I’ll also give you the W4 Ad Guide course, free with your purchase, that will show you how to write your ads to get strangers’ attention in a “non-flyer-pushy” way. This way you’ll be equipped with what you need for your very own Ad + Sales Page combo strategy.

(Note: If you’ve already purchased W4 Ad Guide, message me and I have an even better deal on the Sales Page Architect for you.)

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See you next time…

-Eddys Velasquez