3 Words That Can Grow Your Business Exponentially


This past Friday I did something questionable.

I went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch and ordered their Cheeseburger Spring Rolls, I had some Crispy Fried Cheese, and a Macaroni & Cheese Hamburger (and a Coke with no cheese).


(We’ll briefly interrupt this broadcast to mention that I am…

“Lactose Intolerant”…*cough cough*

…but never mind those poor decisions lol)


Anyway, everything tasted great and I opted not to order a cheesecake because I was way too full by then, and I did not need to order anything else with the word “cheese” in it :-O .

So how does this have anything at all to do with growing your business?

Well that same day one of my clients had their 3rd best sales day ever. 33 sales and $3,762 in revenue.

Partly due to a concept that the waitress applied at Cheesecake Factory and that several other businesses including Mcdonalds, Amazon, and a thousand other businesses apply every single day.

And today, you can apply that concept to your business as well.

It’s called…

Before – During – After

This concept can be applied to a variety of things in your business but today I’m going to show you how to apply it specifically for increasing your revenue without spending any more money to get new customers.

As soon as we were seated at Cheesecake Factory, but before we ordered our entree…

The waitress asked…

Waitress: “What would you like to drink? And would you like to start with any appetizers?”

Me: “Sure, I’ll take a Coke and a…”

Just in the first few seconds of interaction I’ve added two things to my order.

Once we were ready, she asked…

Waitress: “What would you like to order?”

Me: “I’ll take a Macaroni & Cheese Hamburger.”

Third thing added to my order.

Then finally, after we were mostly done with the meal she asked…

Waitress: “Would you like a dessert?”

Me: “No, thanks, I’ve had way too much cheese already Lol”

If I had said yes, that would have been a fourth thing added to my order.

After all, I ended up spending about 2x more than I would have if I only got the hamburger and would have been about 3x more if I got the cheesecake as well.

Here’s How To Apply This To Your Business

1 – Before people click “Add To Cart” on your product’s sales page…

Offer an A or B option.

Create a “Premium” or “Plus” version of your standard product. Maybe you include a few other items or bonuses for a higher price than your standard offering.

A certain % of your customers will always choose the premium or plus version.


2 – During the checkout process…

Offer the same customer one or several small complementary products.

All they have to do to add those additional items to their order is “tick a box”.

Easy. Simple.

Another % of your customers will tick the box and add the additional products to their order.


3 – After they’ve placed their initial order…

You can offer the same customers even more products in a way that they can add it to their order with just 1-click (and not have to re-enter their payment information).

What can you offer them?

More of the same at a discount (if you were selling a fiction book for example, you could then offer them the next book or bundle of books in the series at a discounted price.)

– Other products that may speed up or automate their results (like software or a done-for-you service).

– Products or services that will solve a future problem they’ll have after using your product (if you sell a digital product that shows people ‘how to get job interviews’, a future problem they may have after getting more job interviews might be ‘how to negotiate their salary’, etc)

– Or even solve a different problem that the same customers may also be experiencing alongside the problem you’re already solving with your main product. For example, if you were selling a digital product that shows new parents ‘how to get their babies to sleep through the night’, you might then also offer to show them ‘how to make sure their baby is getting the right nutrition’, etc.

Is This Just a Money-Grab?

If done for the sole purpose of squeezing as much money as you can out of the customer, then yes, it’s a money grab.

However, if you have your customer’s best interest in mind and you want to help them in the best way possible.

You should ask yourself…

How else, other than just my standard product, can I help my customer solve their problem in a better, faster, easier, more effective, enjoyable, and comprehensive way?

What other problems will they have before, during, or after using my product that I could help them solve to improve their overall experience?

At that point, you go from it being a money-grab, to you being a trusted advisor that is helping them solve their problem(s) in the best way possible.

Your customer gets more value and naturally so does your business.

The client I mentioned earlier in this email went from making an average of $49 per customer to now over $100+ per every single customer after applying this concept.

Try this out for your business and see what happens!

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See you next time…

-Eddys Velasquez

P.S. If your existing shopping cart doesn’t give your customers the option to offer order bumps during checkout or 1-click upsells after the initial purchase, you might want to switch to a shopping cart that does.

My favorite shopping cart is ThriveCart.

You pay once and you get to use it forever without any monthly or recurring payments what-so-ever.

Customers can easily add more items to their order on the checkout page by just “ticking a box” and they can add more items to their order after the purchase with just one click as well.

I use it and recommend it to anyone who wants to grow their business and save money by eliminating the recurring cost of their existing shopping cart.

Click here to learn more about ThriveCart →

Disclaimer: Yes, I am an affiliate of Thrivecart and receive a commission anytime someone purchases via my links above. You get value and save money, and so do I. Win-win 🙂