Struggling Pumpkin Farmer Shares A Valuable Lesson For Business Owners…


Jon was a struggling pumpkin farmer.

He’d get up early, load up his pumpkins, and head to the Farmers Market to sell as many as he could.

After all his costs he knew he wasn’t going to be very profitable (if at all), so every single pumpkin counted and had to be sold no matter what.

The only problem was his sign said…

“Halloween Pumpkins!”

…just like every other farmer who was selling pumpkins at the market.

Every pumpkin farmer would now have to divvy up the total # of potential interested buyers that were there that day which was only a fraction of the people at the farmers market anyway.  It wasn’t looking too good for Jon.

He made a few sales but Jon’s truck was still more than half full.

One lady mentioned she bought the pumpkin because she was going to make a delicious pumpkin pie for her grandkids.  She said it was an excuse to visit her grandkids and spend some time with them.  

Jon got an idea, I’ll make a different sign!

He rushed to open his truck, pulled out an empty box, tore it open and with a big marker he wrote…

“These Sweet Plump Pumpkins Make The Best Pumpkin Pies!”

(Try saying that 3x fast, multiple times in a row lol)

“I’m a genius”, he whispered to himself.

“I even used alliteration and rhythm, the sales should start flowing soon!”

Sure enough, a few more people were drawn by the sign but not as many as Jon hoped for.

He had more than half of his pumpkins left and he didn’t want to take any of them back home, he HAD to sell all of them.

He remembered that the lady who told him about the pumpkin pies also mentioned that she was using it as an excuse to visit her grandkids and spend some time with them.


“I don’t know if this is going to work, but I’ll give it a shot”, he thought.

He turned the pumpkin pie sign around and wrote the following on the back…

“Want The PERFECT Excuse To Visit & Spend Time With Your Grandkids?”


He could see people’s eyes light up as they read the sign.

They were intrigued by the idea behind the question and many walked over to get the answer AND walked away with a pumpkin or two.

Jon drove back home with an empty truck bed that day.  He sold all of his pumpkins and couldn’t wait to get home to tell his wife the story.

When he got home and told his wife what happened, she said…

“Hey, I’ve got an idea!”

“I’ve been using some of the leftover pumpkins to make pumpkin puree.  I then mix that with a few other ingredients and I’ve been using that to make my own face masks to naturally exfoliate my skin, you should write THAT on your sign next time…”

A few days later…

Jon And His Wife Put Together a DIY Face Mask Package…

They were a HIT at the next farmers market where they proceeded to sell out within just a few minutes (and they made 3x more revenue than just selling the pumpkins themselves).

Soon, they put the product online and the demand was so high, Jon and his wife had to buy all of their competitor’s pumpkins too!

***The End.***

Anyway, what does all of this have to do with you?

Most Business Owners Sell Their Product To ONE Audience And Provide Only ONE Reason To Buy It…

…and therefore they’re unintentionally (and for many, unknowingly) capping the number of sales and income they can make from that one product.

What most don’t realize is that there is actually a LOT of untapped income potential sitting in their product right now.  They just have to sit still long enough to observe and listen for the opportunities available.

In fact, this has actually been one of the ingredients in my ‘secret sauce’ I apply to clients’ businesses.  Instead of tweaking an existing offer or funnel, I simply experiment with the reasons why the same audience would buy the same product OR I expand the product to new audiences entirely.

What new audiences could you sell your product to?
What new reasons could your same audience have for buying your product?

Think about it and execute!

See you next time…

-Eddys Velasquez

P.S.  Jon & his wife’s story are purely fictional and used to illustrate the concept of repositioning your products – that being said – the underlying concept is 100% real.

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