How To Get More Sales Out Of Your Existing Facebook™ Ad Budget (Part 1)


If you have a digital product that you sell for under 99 bucks using Facebook™ Ads, you’ll want to pay attention to this before you write your next batch of ads.

First, you’ve got to understand three things…

Thing 1 – Facebook™ wants users to spend more time on the platform.  The more time they are on the platform the more ads they can serve to that user.

So what keeps users on the platform?

Engaging content.

Content that gets your thumb to stop blazing through your newsfeed and actually spend some time reading through an entire post or watching an entire video.


Thing 2 – A large portion of your potential customers aren’t already aware of the right solution to solve their problem for their very specific situation.

A “market” or a “niche” of people with a problem is composed of people who are frustrated that they haven’t been able to solve their problem yet.

They’ve tried all sorts of solutions only to be disappointed at their lack of results or overwhelmed with everything they need to do that they just freeze and don’t know what to do next.

They know they have a problem but aren’t sure of the right solution for them since everything else they’ve tried hasn’t worked up to now.

They feel like their situation is “unique” and that none of the solutions they’ve seen has addressed their specific problem scenario (or specific objections or limitations).

In any given audience there is only a fraction of people who already know the right solution for them (most of those are already searching for that solution on Google or other places, not waiting for it to show up in their Facebook™ newsfeed).


Thing 3 – With the recent privacy updates to many smart phones, Facebook™ no longer gets all the data it used to get…

For this reason, your ads aren’t always going to the people you target.

Sometimes it serves ads to people who are completely uninterested in your topic.  If those people see your ads one-too-many times they are prone to leave negative comments on your ads or click the little down arrow at the top right corner of the post and mark it as spam which can affect your performance.

However, chances are, some of those people may “know” someone who may be interested in your topic.


How can you use this knowledge to your advantage?

Most advertisers either write ads that are “too direct” (and there is a place for being direct) and only reach the small segment of people out of their total # of potential customers who already know that particular solution is the right fit for them…


They write ads that are too far in the opposite direction and go completely “indirect”.  They write content only (and hope people like it enough to find out more) or they try to be funny and entertaining so that they can go “viral”.

The problem with those two approaches is if they are done in stand-alone fashion they either get some sales from the people who are already ready to buy but fail to connect with those that could buy but don’t know enough about the right solution for their situation yet…

Or they completely miss the mark on connecting the content to the product you are promoting and therefore you end up with a lot of positive reactions and comments on your ad but with little to no sales (but hey, at least you get comments that said… “awesome content!” or … “funny ad!” while tumbleweeds roll through your shopping cart).

The key is to write your ad as a “SHAREABLE Solution” To A Specific Problem Your Product Solves.

You want to write your ads in such a way that it ticks all the right boxes…

Engaging so that Facebook likes it…

Relevant to a larger portion of your total # of potential buyers (not just the people who already know the right solution for them)…


Not annoying to people who are UNintrested in your topic who will also be seeing your ads.

I’ve figured out a way to do this…

WITHOUT needing to be funny or entertaining, without needing to be a “good” ad writer, without having to tell a story, without running page post engagement campaigns (in fact, these are conversion ads optimizing for purchases), and most importantly without soliciting engagement or doing “comment below” or comment “I’m in” type ads.

Plus, I’ve found it works in MULTIPLE markets like fitness, sports training, parenting, finance, music instruction, weight loss, and others.  It’s possible it could work for your audience as well (but nothing is certain until you try it of course).

In the next installment, I’ll be revealing more on the ad framework I use to create “Shareable Solution” ads and will reveal the key to making it so that people WANT to share your ads (whether they are interested in your topic or not), in fact, some will even thank you for running the ads!

If you don’t want to miss the next installment (or want to receive more articles like this each week), click here to sign up for my weekly email newsletter.

Part 2 will come out sometime next week.

Until next time…

-Eddys Velasquez

P.S.  Why the picture of Tacos?  I’ll let you know in Part 2.