šŸ›Žļø How To Get Your Marketā€™s Attention Without Hype (Part 2)


A quick recap:

Last time, we talked about how traffic originates in your marketā€™s thoughts. The things they think about their problem or situation and the stories they tell themselves.

If you missed Part 1, you can read it here ( How To THINK About Driving ā€˜Trafficā€™ – Part 1 ).

Now that you know WHATā€™s on your marketā€™s mind, how do you go about getting their attention?

And how do you do itā€¦

Without hype.

Without bigger and bolder promises.

And without having to ā€˜shockā€™ your market into paying attention.

What could be more powerful & effective than all that?

Personal interest.

Personally relevant information that could be of use to the person you are trying to reach.

The closer you are able to precisely match your marketing message to the exact thoughts your market is having about their current situation, the more youā€™ll stand out in the sea of sameness where everyone is making exaggerated claims and trying to shout louder than everyone else.

In order to implement this correctly you first have to be clear on exactly WHO you are going after.

Inside every market there are concentrated groups of people that have distinct situations.

Say you are the owner of a martial arts school and youā€™re planning to buy some traffic to fill up your classes.

What do you do?

Do you just run a broad ad sayingā€¦ ā€œHouston Tae Kwon Do Academy now accepting new studentsā€?

You could.

And you may even fill up your classes with something as simple as that if you were the only martial arts school in town.

But what if thereā€™s a lot of competition?

Hereā€™s where talking to distinct situations comes in handy.

Hereā€™s a few distinct situations that might motivate someone to pay for martial arts classesā€¦

– A kid/teen/young adult who gets bullied and humiliated and never wants to feel so powerless again. (Have you seen the show Cobra Kai?)
– A dad who got bullied and humiliated in childhood and doesnā€™t want his son or daughter to have to go through the same thing he did.
– A woman working late or night shifts that require her to walk to her car in a parking lot at night.
– A woman working a job like real estate where sheā€™s often alone in a home and vulnerable to attack.
– A spouse who was physically abused in the past and doesnā€™t want to go through that again in their new marriage
– A parent dealing with a ā€˜rebelā€™ child, things are getting out of control, and they need outside help to perhaps put them on a good path of discipline, order, and respect.

I could keep going but just looking at this preliminary listā€¦

You can now make a decision to target a distinct situation and write a personally relevant ad to that group.

Imagine your school is in Houston, Tx and you want to go after real estate agents. Specifically women real estate agents.

You could then write an ad headline that said something like thisā€¦

ā€œThe #1 Self-Defense Maneuver All Houston Real Estate Agents Should Learn Before Their Next Showingā€

Then the imagery can be a woman performing a specific movement or perhaps even a video of a woman learning a specific movement without giving everything away.

And finally a call to action inviting them to watch the video on your website free of charge to learn that move, opt-in for it, or even directly inviting them to learn that move in-person along with 7 other effective ones at an upcoming free class (or low cost) for real estate agents on X date at your martial arts school.

Of course, thatā€™s not the final copy of the ad, but itā€™s the general approach. And thatā€™s just ONE approach. Thereā€™s a lot of different approaches you can take here.

Now, Iā€™ve never run an ad for a martial arts school so I canā€™t say this specific approach of targeting women real estate agents would work. But I do know it would definitely cut through the noise and get the attention of that specific group because itā€™s of personal interest to who you are going after.

Just For Fun & Practiceā€¦

Letā€™s say you were targeting Dads.

Specifically a Dad who was bullied/teased/humiliated in his childhood and doesnā€™t want the same to happen to his elementary school aged son.

Q: What headline would you write in an ad that is of personal interest to him (the Dad)?

See you on the next oneā€¦

-Eddys Velasquez




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