🚦How To THINK About Driving ‘Traffic’ (Part 1)



Everybody wants more of it…

…but not very many people understand it.

Today, I’m starting a multi-part series that will give you a birds-eye view of what Traffic is and how you can be great at generating traffic even if you don’t understand the technical parts of how to actually set things up yourself on the different platforms like Facebook Ads, Google, and others.


“What is traffic?”

For people who live in the city, traffic is what makes them late for work.

For some it can cause rage 😉 …

And yet for others, who have digital products, courses, and other online offerings, traffic can be a complete game-changer.

In short, for us, traffic is EYEBALLS. The people who are arriving at your website to learn more about your products or services.

The more traffic you have the more sales you can make.

And that is why everyone (who sells products or services online) wants lots more traffic.

The problem is, it’s not as simple as just flipping the traffic switch to ‘on’. Or is it?

Let’s dig in…

What’s the origin of traffic?

Before you drive traffic, you must understand where traffic starts in the first place.

And no, traffic does not start on Google or on Facebook.

It starts in the minds of your market.

The thoughts and stories they are telling themselves about the problems they are experiencing on a daily basis.

These thoughts and stories create a frame by which your market views their problem and can drive people to have specific desires and then to take specific actions.

For example…

If Joe is putting on a pair of shorts and they no longer button because his belly is in the way. Then what might Joe’s thoughts be? He might be thinking about lots of things, some of them might be…

“Argghh, I don’t like the way this looks…”

“I need to get new shorts”

“I shouldn’t have eaten so much pizza last night, maybe I should try eating healthier”

“Perhaps, I could try one of those fasting diets”

“Wouldn’t it just be easier to buy bigger shorts?”

“I should probably get back in the gym”

These are just a few thoughts Joe might be having about a particular problem he has. And those thoughts now create an awareness about certain things that he may not have been ‘open’ to before.

For example, now Joe is more aware about…

  • Buying new shorts
  • Eating healthier food
  • Going on a diet of some kind (potentially fasting) and…
  • Perhaps even joining a gym.

The next time Joe is on a platform like Facebook (or even TikTok), he may be particularly aware of content about those topics.

If the problem becomes a priority for him, he may find himself going to Google in search of information… “healthy lunch ideas”, “does fasting help me lose belly fat?”, or perhaps “gyms near me”.

It all started with his thoughts.

Those thoughts turned into an enhanced awareness or focus on specific topics.

And that turned into the action of him consuming content on social media, his email inbox, and eventually going in search of specific content via a search engine like Google or Youtube.

Just like Joe, there are millions of people in your market thinking specific thoughts and telling themselves different stories about their problems. These thoughts & stories create invisible traffic highways.

The “gyms near me” highway.

The “going on a fasting diet” highway.

The “healthy lunch ideas” highway.

One thing you can do right now without having to know how any of the traffic platforms work is to identify what “traffic highways” exist in your market.

1 – What specific thoughts is your market having about the problem you solve?

2 – What stories are they telling themselves about the problem?

3 – What do they think about what they’ve heard others say about the problem?

See you next week with Part 2.

-Eddys Velasquez




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