🚪Small hinges swing big doors.

This image is a random door image (not in Mexico).

A couple of weeks ago right at 9:30am I got my two wisdom teeth taken out by a dentist in Mexico.

We live about 4 ½ hours from the Texas/Mexico border so we’ve been going to a dentist in Progreso for the past few years.

We park on this side of the border, walk the bridge over to Mexico, and then go another 1-2 blocks to the dentist office on the main street.

One of the first things you notice when you cross over the border is the immediate onslaught of people vying for your attention and $.

You’ve got the people asking for money below the bridge.

And as soon as you’re on the main road there’s a line of guys holding business cards for dentists, pharmacists, hair stylists, and all kinds of things.

Everyone wants you to go into their store and of course you’ve also got all the food carts along the road as well.

Occasionally, I make some purchases but most of the time I just hurry to the dentist office to make sure I’m there on time.

I think some of the business owners get commissions if they refer people to other businesses because this time they would glance at my hair (I haven’t got a haircut in a while so it was long & poofy with all the humidity) and their calls would go from…

“Get your medicine here.” & “Dentist, dentist, dentist” to…

“Haircuts”, “Cheap haircuts”, “Fast haircuts”, “Get your haircut here”.

Anyway, I don’t know where this email is going lol

I’m just sending a quick update since I hadn’t sent an email during the past couple of weeks. I was on mostly liquid/creamy foods that I didn’t need to chew. It’s not hard to do but it’s definitely a different experience when you’re not able to eat solid food with some texture!

While I’m here, I’ll tell you about a couple of new split tests I’m running now…

Split Test #1 – Small hinges swing big doors.

One of the places you’ll get the most “drop off” in your marketing funnels is on your checkout page. Some people click “Add To Cart” without an intention of purchasing so you’ll naturally get lots of drop off.

But of the people that DO intend to buy, you can get even more drop off if you’ve got a confusing order form, if there’s too many forms to fill out, or if you’re not offering Paypal for example.

Just a quick FYI.

I tested a checkout page accepting credit cards only (no Paypal) and it dropped sales by 30%! I’ve since added Paypal back in.

Anyway, this time around I’m testing minimal design with just a headline, a one-line description, and the checkout form right underneath (all in one column).

My control is a two column layout with a headline, paragraph description, bullet points, testimonials, guarantee seals, live chat, and a few other things.

I’ll let you know the results after a few days of running traffic.

My hypothesis is that the minimal design will win, but we’ll see what happens.

Split Test #2 – Add a physical bonus to your info-product or membership site offer.

For one of my clients we’ve had an easy time selling their one-time purchases but a not-so-easy time getting those customers to join the monthly membership.

Once the customers actually join the membership, they stay on for a long time. In fact, we’ve got some members who’ve been a paying member for 42 months and still going.

I’ve tried all sorts of offers like 7 day free trials, $4.95 for 4 weeks and then renews at the regular monthly rate, 30-day free trial, gifting an info-product when they sign up at the regular rate, etc.

Now, I’m testing an offer where I’m going to be giving away a physical product (a commonly used yet unique accessory in the niche) when someone takes a 7-day free trial and then stays on as a paid active member. Then the immediate upsell is going to be yet another physical product (higher cost equipment used by people in the niche all the time) when they upgrade to an annual subscription.

I wrote the sales page for it last night, it’s now up on Unbounce, and will be driving some traffic shortly. Once I get the results back, I’ll let you know how it goes.

If you want to try this out in your niche. Find a physical product your niche loves and give it away free when they become a member of your membership or continuity program.

If you want to save some money on inventory, approach a manufacturer or store and ask if they’ll do a dropship arrangement with you.

That means that as orders come in you can just create a spreadsheet of the orders (names, shipping addresses, items) and send it to the store or manufacturer and have them ship out the orders for you.

You then just pay the store or manufacturer for the orders that come in instead of having to buy inventory yourself upfront and you don’t have to deal with any shipping either.

As far as the economics, I’m using the first month’s payment to cover the cost of the first physical item and 22% of the upsell charge for the annual membership upsell covers the cost of the second physical product.

I’ll let you know how it goes!

See you on the next one…

-Eddys Velasquez




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