Repetition, Repetition, Repetition


I don’t always try new things right away.

In fact, the perfect example of this is a new snack I’ve started buying called…

Aussie Bites

My Dad loves them and he initially offered them to me and I said “no” because I was full at the time.

A couple of weeks later, he offered them to me and I said “no” because I had other snacks I was eating (hmm I’m noticing a pattern here lol)

Fortunately, my Dad was persistent and on another occasion he offered them to me and then told me why he liked them.

They’re sort of a mix between a muffin, a cookie, and a granola bar all in one small bite. They’re relatively ‘healthier’ than other snacks, no trans fats, loaded with whole grains, and are a good source of Omega-3, fiber, and protein.

“Alright, I’ll try them… why not?”

And they taste great, now that I’ve actually tried them!

I’ve bought them every week or so for the past 3 weeks now.

Your Prospects Are Just Like This

Take 100 potential buyers of your product at any given time and you’ll find that about 1-3 of them are ready to buy right now.

For the rest of them…

It’s likely just not the right time or their problem is not yet big enough for them to want to do something about it right now.

But maybe later? You betcha!

The key is…

Repetition – Repetition – Repetition

Keep making your offer.

Just tweak your message a bit each time.

1 – Talk about different ways your product could be used.

2 – Breakdown the various ways your product is different from other products.

3 – Explore and communicate how your product can be helpful for a variety of different very specific situations.

4 – Explain the reasons why you decided to create the product.

5 – Mention the specific reasons others have decided to purchase the product.

6 – Tell stories of people using your product and their experience with it…

7 – Shine a spotlight on common excuses people have for not using the product that actually end up costing them a lot more than if they just bought your product…

8 – Feature surprising, unique, or even occasionally bizarre or out of the ordinary use-cases for your product…

Etc… etc…

Eventually, something will hit home.

The timing will be right.

The message will resonate.

Something you said may be just the right “kick-in-the-pants” that wakes them up from their “in-action” slumber.

Something will eventually hit home for one person and they will go ahead and say…

“You know what, I think I’ll go ahead and finally try that.”

Over time you’ll convert more of those initial 100 potential customers that you wouldn’t have converted without repetition, repetition, repetition.

How Do I Apply This?

1 – Do you have a lead magnet? Make sure you’re following up with those leads with at least a weekly broadcast newsletter. In one market we’ve got an automated daily email followup with over 100+ days of daily emails that goes out on top of regular broadcasts that go out each week. Each of those daily emails makes the same offer in a different way.

Tip: Make sure to track the sales from each email! My favorite tracker is Improvely. You can then see which links in which emails were clicked before the person bought.

After you’ve generated enough volume of leads you’ll start to see patterns like…

For example, you might notice that Email #37 always brings in a surge of sales.

Then from there you dig deeper and find out that of those sales that came from Email #37, those same buyers also clicked on links in Email #4, Email #18, and Email #20.

You can then go back and see exactly what you talked about in those emails and use that string of messaging in a new sales page or series of ads that can perhaps even out-convert your existing sales page!

2 – Do you skip the lead magnet and send traffic directly to your sales page? With most clients who already have a front-end offer that has sold in the past, we tend to start with this strategy of sending traffic directly to a sales page and bypass the lead magnet altogether.

We still have other campaigns running to a lead magnet but we start with a direct-to-sale campaign to test different offers, price points, bonuses, etc.

Anyway, if you are running one of these types of campaigns, you can employ this “repetition, repetition, repetition” tactic by setting up your retargeting campaigns like a daily email autoresponder.

If you don’t know what retargeting is, it simply means you are targeting a previous visitor of your sales page again, with different ads.

You can create audiences of people who have visited your sales page within X number of days.

So for example you can create audiences of people who have visited your sales page in the last 2 days, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, etc.

Then set up retargeting ad campaigns that target each of those audiences (excluding the previous audience) and send a new batch of ads to them.

I.e. If you are targeting the 30 day audience you would exclude the 14 day audience or whatever the previous audience is that you created.

If you set these campaigns up correctly, once someone clicks on your ad and visits your sales page for the first time, they will now start to see a series of different ads from you over the next X number of days depending on how long you’ve set your audiences for.

We find that these retargeting campaigns help make our daily sales from ads a lot more stable and act like a daily email follow up sequence for someone that has not yet opted in to our list!

And that doesn’t count the retargeting we deploy on other platforms as well (I’ll talk about that another time).

Anyway, Want To Know A Bizarre Use-Case for Aussie Bites?

Here’s an example of a short humor email I might send to get someone to consider trying Aussie Bites…

Subject Line: Protect Your Home From Intruders With This ONE Snack (Only $8.98)

Did you know that this one snack could be an “effective” alarm system for your home?

It’s true, for just $8.98 you could have 32 of these healthy snacks protecting your home from dangerous intruders. How? …you ask.

It’s simple, these weirdly named Aussie Bites come inside a terribly hard to open plastic package. You’ve probably tried opening a similar plastic package before. The kind that might require an electric saw to open.

Anyway, once you do manage to get them open, the plastic makes such a loud sound that literally everyone in your household will know IMMEDIATELY what you are opening and exactly where you are.

All you have to do to protect your home, your family, and your pets from dangerous intruders is…

…you guessed it….

Leave these Aussie Bites out on the kitchen island.

Literally no intruder who walks through your kitchen will be able to resist.

You and your family will be immediately alerted.

And since the intruder will not be able to resist spending the time to eat ALL 32, you will have sufficient time to take a shower, get dressed and then call the cops (or handle the situation yourself).

Want to put Aussie Bites to the test in YOUR home? 😉

>> Click here to try Aussie Bites for just $8.98 <<

Now, would this email actually work?

I can’t say for sure.

What I do know is that it would at the very least get the attention of someone who hadn’t previously considered Aussie Bites and might make them more open to trying them in the future. Maybe they’ll buy from that email or a future one, but the key is… keep on sending them.

There are many different ways to talk about your product and with some creativity and the repetition, repetition, repetition strategy you can start converting more of the traffic you are already getting into buyers.

Don’t be afraid to have fun with it!

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See you next time…

-Eddys Velasquez

P.S. To make sure you know exactly which messages are responsible for producing your sales, you’ll want to use Improvely.

It’s a relatively inexpensive tracking tool, easy to use, and gives you invaluable data you can use to uncover exactly which message (and even better which order of messages) gets your visitors to turn into paying customers.