How To Develop A Compelling Offer For Your Online Business


There’s two things people hate

Paying more than they feel they have to (rising taxes, rising gas prices, etc)…

And for some

Getting up off their bed, chair, or couch to move!

Afterall, an “object at rest WILL stay at rest until acted upon by an unbalanced force.”

According to the CDC, fewer than 1 in 4 Americans (22.9%) get enough exercise.

I’ll leave it up to you whether you believe them or not but assuming their data is correct, that means that 77.1% of Americans don’t get enough exercise…

…and I would wager – at least a cup of coffee ☕ 😉 – that a large portion of that group probably doesn’t get any exercise at all.

At times, *I* have been in that group of people getting little to no exercise lol.


One of the ways to develop a compelling offer for your online business is to find out what your market hates. Here’s how…

First, let’s define what an offer is.

An offer in its most basic form is…

“I’ll give you X in exchange for Y”.

I’ll trade you my beef in exchange for your corn, etc.

And in terms of a digital product…

“I’ll give you [what your digital product is] in exchange for [the price].”

Easy enough, right?

The problem is…

If you’re in a competitive market, lots of people are making the exact same offer in the same way!

Take the weight loss market for example…

“I’ll give you this program that will show you how to [lose weight & keep it off while still eating your favorite foods] for just [$xx]”

So if you come in with a similar offer, people don’t have a good reason to say “yes” to yours. And why should they?

After all, there are a lot of programs that are all making that same promise and many of them are willing to sell it at a lower price and then it’s just a race to the bottom.


If you want to develop a compelling offer that can evoke an instant “yes, I want that!” instead of a “let me see if I can find something better…” response, then here’s what you’ll want to do…

Step 1 – Find out WHO is buying your product.

You probably have a general idea of who is buying your product or who might buy your product.

But do you know the specifics?

Do you know if they’re generally men or women?

Do you know their age?

Are they homeowners or renters?

Are they affluent or living paycheck to paycheck?

Are they business executives working in a corporate environment or do they work from home in their pajamas?

Are they married with kids?

Single? Divorced?

Do you know what they believe?

Do you know their values?

Do you know what they have to deal with on a daily basis?

Do you know their specific situation?

Do you know the exact obstacles they face and why they face them?

Within your market there are multiple groups of people with common demographic & psychographic traits you can carve out and get to know better. The deeper your understanding of who all is buying (or could buy) your product, the easier it will be to develop an offer that is a “perfect fit” for them and their specific situation.

Step 2 – Find out WHAT problem they’re trying to solve through purchasing your product.

Once you’ve carved out the different segments of potential buyers from your market as a whole, you’ll discover that the problem you think you are solving is actually not the problem THEY are looking to solve.

Each segment will have a slightly or even significantly different reason for buying your product.

If you take the time to look at the specific problems each individual segment is dealing with on a daily basis you may uncover entirely different and in most cases surprising reasons for WHY a particular segment of your market is buying your product.

And then…

Step 3 – Offer them a new or different way (from what they’ve already tried) to solve their specific problem without something that they hate about the things they’ve already tried.

A few years ago, I was selling a digital product with a content partner in the Spanish market. It was a vegetarian recipe book with over 100+ recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Initially we thought we were solving the problem of “boredom” for vegetarians. Vegetarians who were bored with eating the same stuff over and over who now wanted to mix things up.

So our message was all about a “variety” of delicious meals.

That got some traction, but nothing special.

Then we did some digging on WHO was buying the book and WHY they were buying…

Our average buyer was a 45+ woman who was NOT a vegetarian, wanted to lose weight naturally by eating healthier (more greens & vegetables), and didn’t want to resort to pills or medical procedures.

Through our conversations with them we also found out that one of the biggest problems they were dealing with was…


They mentioned they didn’t want to go to the gym because of negative past experiences of being judged or feeling embarrassed for not knowing what to do while there…

Or they would say they couldn’t exercise because they had a bad knee or bad back.

Ultimately, what they were looking for was a natural way to lose weight without exercise. Or at least an initial stepping stone of eating healthier to get some progress until they found a way to deal with their exercise problem.

So with that discovery about who was buying and why they were buying, I determined we would need to repackage what we were selling and deliver a different and more specific message than just “here’s a variety of vegetarian recipes”.

Here’s what we did…

Instead of selling a regular “cookbook” for vegetarians we were now going to sell a “plan” for losing weight without exercise.

Our product went from being a collection of “information” to a structured step-by-step plan someone could follow to solve a very specific problem.

Fortunately, my content partner had experience in that area.

So I asked her to create an additional bonus called “Nuevo Guía: El Secreto De Una Cintura Sexi Sin Tener Que Hacer Ejercicio” (translates to: New Guide: The Secret To A Sexy Waist Without Exercise).

And then on top of that we arranged the cookbook (the main product) as a more structured 14-Day Menu with a Shopping List instead of a random collection of recipes.

A “perfect fit” offer for our average buyer profile.

Our Paypal payment notifications started lighting up!

Why? Because we had hit the nail on the head for what that particular audience really wanted…

We had matched our messaging to connect with the thing THEY were struggling with, not what we wanted to sell them initially.

Our offer statement went from…

“We’ll give you 100+ vegetarian recipes for $19.95”


“If you’re a woman over 45+ who hates to exercise or can’t exercise due to a bad knee or other injury, we’ll give you a guide that will help you lose weight naturally without exercise AND you’ll get it free with your purchase of our 14 day vegetarian menu & shopping list”

When they saw we had a specific solution to their exact problem, it was an instant “yes, I want that!”

How Do You Apply This To Your Offer?

1 – Identify who your buyers are (or if you don’t have any yet, who you think they might be). Carve out the different segments and get to know their specific situation and what they have to deal with on a daily basis.

2 – Find out what problem they are trying to solve by purchasing your product (not the problem you are trying to solve). You might be surprised to find out that it’s different from the problem you are focused on!

3 – And then search for the top thing(s) they hate or are frustrated with about the solutions they’ve already tried.

4 – Restructure your solution to offer that [specific group of people] a [specific solution] to their [specific problem] in a new or different way, ideally without the thing(s) they hate about the solutions they’ve already tried and failed at.

Get it right and you’ll have a super compelling offer that will sell amazingly well!

Then if you want to take things to the next level you can create different “perfect fit” offers for your SAME (or slightly adjusted) product for each of the different segments in your market.

For example, in our case, we later discovered that another segment of our market was buying because they were sick & tired of having to cook twice. Once for themselves and another time for their spouse and kids who didn’t like their mother’s more healthy (green) meals.

We then created a different offer for that market segment. A set of vegetarian “meat-like” recipes that their family could enjoy (hot dogs, chorizo, burgers, sloppy joes, etc.) – they actually tasted good! That one did well too, especially when we gave it away for free with the purchase of the 14-day menu with a shopping list.

That’s how you get to 10-50+ buyers per day on the front-end.

It’s not easy, but with persistent effort… it CAN be done.

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-Eddys Velasquez

P.S. Are you feeling overwhelmed?

If there’s 101 things you feel you “should” be doing to grow your online business but you’re not sure what to focus on or where to even start.

I can help you eliminate the “time-wasters” (activities that make you feel like you are making progress but don’t actually move the needle at all)…

And instead, help you focus on the core activities that WILL move the needle for you.

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Over the next few weeks I’m going to personally help a few people get clarity on a simplified “path to cash” in their business by eliminating all the unproductive “time-wasters”.

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