According to the Labor Department, millions of Americans quit their jobs in 2021 with a total of 11 million open jobs at the end of October.
TIME Magazine said…
“…employees are insisting on higher pay, more flexible hours, enhanced benefits and better treatment. And if their bosses can’t — or won’t — heed those demands, many people are going on strike, quitting their jobs, or searching elsewhere for more rewarding work.”
Some have used the phrase “The Great Resignation” to describe this tidal wave of resignations but the CEO of LinkedIn said it’s more like a “Great Reshuffle”.
“…on the other hand, you have employees globally who are rethinking not just how they work, but why they work and what they most want to do with their career and lives.”
In other words, people aren’t just quitting for the sake of quitting, but rather are re-evaluating their work and re-thinking what they want to do next and how they want to work moving forward in this ever changing landscape with all sorts of unpredictable “events” that affect our everyday lives.
Why Are They Re-thinking What, Where, And How They Work?
To have more control over their time.
To have more options available to them.
To not have to “bend-the-knee” to “the man”.
To have financial security for their family now and in the future.
To create something meaningful that they are proud of.
And finally to just do something fulfilling that they actually enjoy!
But what if you’re not in a position to resign right now or maybe you don’t want to resign, but you do want to try something new, on the side?
A New Way To Work
Every day thousands of people are deciding to make a change in their life and finances.
Going from a traditional model: pulling in only one fixed income stream from their job…
To a hybrid model where they have at least 1-2+ additional income streams (on the side) so that they don’t have to depend on their job as their only source of income.
And so that they never have to fall victim to controllable circumstances again.
Car breaks down? There’s back-up money to rent one or get a new one.
Mortgage payments going up or credit card interest getting out of control? There’s back up money to make the payments or to pay it off.
Need to (or just want to) move from where you live? No problem, there’s backup money that allows you to pick up and move.
In a bad relationship? No worries, there’s enough backup money to be independent if need be.
Retired? You won’t have to depend on other people because — you guessed it — there’s backup money.
The problem is it’s not as simple as going out and getting a 2nd or 3rd job.
Especially when you may already be working full-time or over-time at your first job (not to mention the rest of your personal responsibilities at home).
And you don’t just want to pile on more external responsibilities dictated by another ‘boss’.
Instead, the key to being able to add 1-2+ new income streams without overwhelming yourself or working under someone else’s potentially rigid schedule is to start a “Lifestyle-First Backup Business” on the side that…
Gives You Total Control Over WHERE And WHEN You Work
Something that you can work around your existing responsibilities to your job & personal life.
Something you can work on for 20-30 minutes per day or a few hours per week (or longer if you wish and have the time to do so), that can bring in passive cash flow.
And something that lets you get started with little to no upfront investment other than a block of time you set aside to work on this on a daily or weekly basis and your commitment to actually doing it and not putting it on the backburner to get to later.
How Is Any Of This Possible? And What Is A “Lifestyle-First Backup Business”?
There are several types of businesses you could start, but by far my #1 favorite type of backup business is having your own digital info-product that you can sell from anywhere.
It’s done by creating content that is helpful to others (read: solves a problem) and then turn that content into a digital info-product like an E-Book, audio series, or video course that people can purchase online.
This specific type of “Backup Business” ticks all the right boxes.
Control over where you work: As long as you have an internet connection and a computer, tablet, or phone, you can run this business from wherever you’d like. Most people do it at home. Others like to travel and do it wherever they find themselves to be at the time.
Control over when you work: You control your schedule. If you want to be present with your family at certain times of the day, you can do that. If you have to or just want to go ‘do something’ right now, you can do that without having to ask for “time off”.
Plus, it allows you to put your lifestyle first. You can work this type of business around your existing job or personal responsibilities and work it at your own pace. Fast or slow. Do a lot or a little. That part is up to you.
This type of business can be really attractive, especially if you like the idea of creating something once and being able to make passive sales from it on an ongoing basis.
However, I Have To Be 100% Upfront With You. A Digital Info-Product Business Is NOT Easy To Build.
It takes time to figure things out and get things dialed-in (especially if you’re building it 20-30 minutes at a time).
It takes patience because you won’t always see immediate results.
And it takes a commitment to continuing even when things seem hopeless or like it’s a waste of time.
I’ll go as far as saying that in the beginning of your journey with this type of “Backup Business” where you are creating content and selling a digital product, it’s actually the opposite of passive.
In fact, for the first 2-3 years you will struggle.
It will be hard.
You will fail.
You will spend time figuring it out.
But in the end, if you keep at it and don’t give up, it can be worth it.
The Reason It’s So Hard In The Beginning Is Because You Are Building The Groundwork Brick-By-Brick, A Solid Foundation For A Sustainable Business That Will Last.
What you are doing here is building a system and process from scratch that will later bring in sufficient passive income to give you the resources you need to have the freedom, control, and flexibility you want.
That’s why it’s difficult and why not everyone is doing it.
But for those who it’s a fit for, it’s absolutely life-changing.
Especially if they’re in it to build something for the long-term.
Want To “Dip Your Toe” And See If A Digital Info-Product Business Is A Good Fit For You?
If yes, then to help you with that, I’ve created the “Dip Your Toe” course.
In it I break down what everyone should know before diving into the digital info-product business.
The exact skills & tech tools needed to start, run, & grow a successful digital product business.
Why some info-product businesses are successful and others are not. (The successful ones focus on these 4 things).
You may decide that the digital info-product business is not for you and you will have saved yourself a lot of time and effort by finding that out now (rather than months or years later).
Or you might find that it’s a perfect fit for you and go all in on making it happen, even if it’s just on-the-side at first.
Whatever you decide, it’s the right choice for you!
The “Dip Your Toe” Course

You can get access to it for just one easy payment of $4.95. That’s not a typo! I’ll explain why in just a bit.
Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll discover inside…
Module 1: The Truth About The Info-Product Business (What everyone should know before diving into the info-product rabbit-hole)
Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll discover inside:
How the info-product business works. The #1 thing that powers literally everything in the info-product business. Learn what it is and what to do with it that will give you an edge over most people. Some aren’t even aware of this and end up wasting years with failed attempt after failed attempt.
Why people buy info-products. Know the true reason behind why they buy and you’ll never have a problem getting customers.
The exact FOUR things your info-product should include in order for your customers to love it, get them telling others about it, and to have them message you about buying your next product (even before you’ve thought of creating a second one!) Most people only include 1 or 2 of these in their info-product. Include all 4 things and you’ll have happy customers who will want to buy from you over and over again.
The specific type of info-product people LOVE to buy. Creating your info-products in this way not only increases your sales but they’re also easier to create!
How to structure your info-product business so that it’s sustainable for the long-term and always profitable. The people who don’t know about this end up giving up way too early and miss out on what could’ve been a great business for them and their family.
What your first TWO steps should be in your info-product business. Everything else is a distraction. Focus on these two things first and see how much easier things get.
The #1 obstacle aspiring info-product creators face. If you know it’s coming, you can prepare for it and keep it from derailing your plans. In fact, you might even look forward to it as a “right of passage” that you know leads you to greener pastures on the other side.
How to get over the #1 obstacle, step-by-step. This is exactly what you need to do to overcome it and reach the other side.
The Secret to winning against others that are more talented, better skilled, more attractive, and more intelligent. There will always be competition that is better than you. This is how to beat them.
If you dislike or are not willing to do this one specific activity on a consistent basis, then do NOT start an info-product business. You’ll be better off doing something else. (And I’m not talking about the act of “selling”).
What to do if you’re not ‘good’ at the above activity but are willing to do it. Can you still be successful? Yes, I’ll tell you why.
What ‘selling’ actually is and what you can do to get new customers on a daily basis like clockwork (even if you hate selling or are not good at it).
The most valuable asset in your info-product business. (Hint: It’s not your info-products!) This is what turns this from an unstable side-hustle into a stable & sustainable long-term business that will keep producing for you for years to come.
3 common mistakes people make when getting started and how to avoid them. This section alone can save you lots of time, money, effort, and years of frustration.
And much more…
Module 2: The Exact Skills & Tech Tools Needed To Start, Run & Grow A Successful Info-Product Business
Here’s what you’ll discover inside…
A birds-eye view of how an info-product functions. What happens on a daily basis and in what order it happens.
Why you don’t have to be a skilled content writer in order to create a good info-product. I’ll show you the exercise that helped me start creating content faster and easier than before.
The software tool I use to create, save, and store my content in a safe & secure place. This tool allows you to create content on almost any computer, phone or tablet with internet access, automatically saves your work and let’s you keep going where you left off last (even if you were previously working on a different device). It’s a huge time-saver, no more “I forgot to hit the save button” problems and the best part… it’s free!
What if you’re not so good at typing? I’ll share a shortcut that allows you to create content just as fast as (and perhaps for some of you even easier than) a professional typist who is able to type at 75 words per minute — without actually typing! All you’ll need is a free application that comes with most phones. If you want to get fancy there’s an inexpensive tool you can get online that will improve the end result as well.
How to transform your content into the actual info-product files that your customers will download or get access to after purchase. There are three common media formats for info-products and I show you what tech tools you can use to create the final product file(s) that gets delivered to your customers.
The #1 skill needed to turn your info-product business idea into a reality. I break it down into 4 easy to learn parts so that you can have the best head-start possible.
This ONE page on your website will be responsible for bringing most of your new customers. You’ll discover where I buy the website address and what services I use to put the website up on the internet where it’s accessible to everyone with an internet connection.
A blogger once used an image of a “green pepper” she found on Google and was extorted for $7,500 in damages for posting the photo on her website without permission. This is why I either take my own images or get them from a handful of sites I trust. To avoid this happening to you, I’ll share those sites and a few specific things I look for before using any images off the internet.
My Go-To Software for editing images and what I use to quickly create good looking 3D mockups of my info-products. I’ve found I get more sales when I use a 3D mockup than when I don’t.
The software service you can use to collect payments online. These services allow you to create “checkout pages” where your customers will fill in their payment information and place their order. It’s as simple as setting up the pricing for your product, adding a description, and most send a receipt to your customers upon purchase.
Did you know that once you’ve collected an online payment it has not yet arrived in your bank account? Here’s the best merchant account services I’ve found that make transferring what you’ve worked hard to earn, a breeze. These are the two merchant accounts I recommend using.
Do you know how to get lots of visitors to your website? This skill will help you do that. Plus I’ll show you which platforms to use. Once you learn this skill you’ll be able to use it for any business you start in the future.
How to deliver your info-product files to your customers, automatically. This way you don’t have to manually send the files to each new customer. There are two main ways to do this and I break those down for you in this section, including what tech tools or services to use.
How to issue refunds. Like in any business you will inevitably have a few customers who are not satisfied with your info-product for whatever reason. If they ask for a refund, you can use a software you’ll already have access to for other parts of the business to quickly & easily issue prompt refunds back to the card they used to make the purchase.
How to stay in touch with your existing customers. All the businesses that succeed stay in touch with their customers, even AFTER their first purchase. I’ll tell you how I do that and what software I use to facilitate the process.
If I was starting from scratch, this is the checklist of tech tools and services I would use to get started quickly, easily, and with minimal upfront investment.
And more…
Module 3: Why Are Some Info-Product Businesses Successful And Others Are Not? The Successful Ones Focus On These 4 Things…
Here’s a sample of what you’ll see inside…
The best way to start your info-product business. This allows you to take advantage of “feedback loops” that make your business stronger and more profitable every time you make your way around the “loop”.
What a “feedback loop” is, why they’re so critical to the success of your info-product business and the TWO things you can do to get you into the loop as fast as possible.
The #1 mistake people make once they’ve got their product done. This wastes a lot of time and money and stalls the growth of your info-product business.
The people who succeed in the info-product business understand that ________ is the life-blood of their business. If they don’t have ______ they don’t have a business.
The most common reason people don’t get their info-product off the ground. Discover how to get over this obstacle and you’ll be surprised at how fast you can accomplish what you’ve set out to do. Or if you fall for this trap, you may end up spinning your wheels for years without anything to show for it.
What do all successful info-product businesses have in common? Regardless of what they’re selling, they all share a common ‘thinking pattern’. This ‘thinking pattern’ guides every thought, action, and decision they make in their business. Use it and succeed or ignore it and fail.
PLUS A Free Bonus: How I Started My First Digital Info-Product Business From Scratch
Coming Up With The Idea: How a TACO gave birth to the idea of my first info-product. If I hadn’t been paying attention during that lunch my life would be significantly different today.
Validating The Idea: The one sentence I used to make sure people wanted the product before we created it.
Putting The Product Together: What I did to put the product together quickly.
Selling The Product: The unique way I went about positioning the product and selling it to maximize the number of people who bought when we launched.
Delivering The Product: Exactly how I delivered the product to all the customers that bought.
The Final Results: How much I made, why I made that amount, and where the money came from.
FOUR insights I gained from my experience. These insights will not only save you lots of time, money and effort but can also dramatically increase your sales!
What Happened Next? The 7 steps we repeated over and over to eventually get 3,000+ customers with minimal advertising investment.
The Big Problem: Why the way we were doing things became exhausting and not sustainable for the long-term.
Here’s what I would’ve done differently: 5 important lessons that I wish I would’ve known when I first started. It would have been less work, less stress, more profitable, and definitely more sustainable for the long-term.
Here’s The Reason Why I’ve Decided To Provide The “Dip Your Toe” Course (And The Free Bonus) For Just One Payment of $4.95…
Just like with any big change you are going to make you want to first do your research to find out if it’s the right decision for you.
If you’re going to buy a house, you pay for an inspection to make sure everything is good before you move forward with the purchase.
If you’re going to buy a used car, you at least look it over and test-drive it first before deciding to commit to buying it or not.
And if you’re going to get married, you don’t just say “I do” the moment your eyes first meet.
No, instead, you start with something small.
Not even dinner yet.
Perhaps just a coffee date to get to know each other and see if there’s any chemistry before you propose anything for the long-term.
The “Dip Your Toe” Course Is Our Coffee Date.
In the course I give you everything you would need to know to decide whether or not the digital info-product business is right for you.
It pulls back the curtain and shows you the inner workings of the digital info-product business — to show you what it’s actually like (like getting to know how someone actually is when no one is looking and not just what they present to the outside world) — so that you can make an informed decision to start a digital info-product business or not.
There are many people out there who want to jump in bed right away lol
For now, I’m up for a coffee date.
Let’s see how this works and if there’s chemistry and you find the digital info-product business is the perfect fit for you, I can then help you get started with our other courses.
Otherwise, for just the approximate price of a Venti Cappuccino at my local Starbucks ($4.95)…

…you can find out if the digital info-product business is right for you or not before you buy any multi-hundred or thousand dollar courses that others are promoting upfront trying to get you to commit to a long-term relationship on the very first day!
Just One Payment of $4.95
Yes, I Want The “Dip Your Toe” Course!
Questions? Email support@digitalmarketingrx.com
Is There A Guarantee?
To make this risk-free on your end.
If you find that the digital info-product business is not for you, I’ll cover the cost of your coffee on this date and will refund 100% of your $4.95 purchase.
OR if you prefer…
You can trade in your refund for a free email consultation where you can tell me about your situation and I’ll give you some advice on what other “Lifestyle-First Backup Businesses” you could start based on your specific skills & experience.
Best case scenario, you find out the digital info-product business is for you and then you decide to take the next steps and start.
Worst case scenario, you find it’s not for you and you either get your money back OR you can get a free email consultation to help you find what type of business might be right for you.
Either way, it’s a win-win.
Plus, the price of this course is so low it’s accessible to pretty much everyone.
Click The Big Button Below Now And Fill Out The Payment Information On The Next Page To Get Instant Access To The Dip Your Toe Course!
Just $4.95
Yes, I Want The “Dip Your Toe” Course!
Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To A Single Word I Have To Say?

Hi, my name is Eddys Velasquez. I’m an entrepreneur, digital marketer, and boba tea lover.
I have a Finance degree but don’t use it. Instead, I’m passionate about marketing.
I’ve been in business in some form or other since I was 15 and have been marketing & advertising online since 2006.
Since then, I’ve failed, learned, and succeeded in a number of big & small projects that have all given me experience (both good & bad lol) in business strategy, copywriting, & traffic generation.
Those acquired skills have been instrumental in allowing me to acquire thousands of leads & customers for myself & clients in a variety of markets in the US and abroad.
Over the years I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t to get more customers for your info-products and keep them coming back for more.
So if you want to start & grow an info-product business, I can help.
I’ve also coached over a hundred different business owners privately and as a (former) Senior Coach at a 3-time Inc. 5000 company.
Now, via my blog, email newsletter, and courses, I share lessons I’ve learned over the last 15 years of trial & error so that you can shorten your learning curve and reach your goals faster.
Whether you’ve embarked on this path because you want to have more freedom and control over your time…
Or if you just enjoy creating helpful content and want to be able to share your products with the world to make a positive impact (but need funding to do it)…
I can help you do that by showing you how to start making sales of your digital products every day.
But first, you have to find out if the digital info-product business is a good fit for you or not.
7 Reasons To Get The “Dip Your Toe” Course
1 – Do you want to make more money?
2 – Do you want to do something that’s fun & creative?
3 – Do you want to make an impact or create something meaningful that you are proud of?
4 – Do you want to have total control over where and when you work?
5 – Is it time to try something new to change your financial position in life?
6 – Want to find out if you have what it takes to make this “Lifestyle-First Backup Business” work?
7 – And finally do you want to have at least 1-2+ additional income streams (on the side) so that you don’t have to depend on your job as your only source of income. And so that you never have to fall victim to controllable circumstances again because you have enough backup money in the bank and more coming in each day?
Then pick up the “Dip Your Toe” course to see if this digital info-product business is the right fit for you.
Just $4.95
Yes, I Want The “Dip Your Toe” Course!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the “Dip Your Toe” course?
A: In the “Dip Your Toe” course I break down what everyone should know before diving into the digital info-product business.
You may decide that the digital info-product business is not for you and you will have saved yourself a lot of time and effort by finding that out now (rather than months or years later).
Or you might find that it’s a perfect fit for you and go all in on making it happen, even if it’s just on-the-side at first.
The course includes 3 modules and an additional free bonus.
Module 1: The Truth About The Info-Product Business (What everyone should know before diving into the info-product rabbit-hole)
Module 2: The Exact Skills & Tech Tools Needed To Start, Run & Grow A Successful Info-Product Business
Module 3: Why Are Some Info-Product Businesses Successful And Others Are Not? The Successful Ones Focus On These 4 Things…
Free Bonus: How I Started My First Digital Info-Product Business From Scratch
Q: How much is it?
A: It’s just one payment of $4.95 (No re-bills and no strings attached.)
Q: Will this course show me how to get started with the digital info-product business?
A: If you’re going to buy a house, you pay for an inspection to make sure everything is good before you move forward with the purchase.
If you’re going to buy a used car, you at least look it over and test-drive it first before deciding to commit to buying it or not.
And if you’re going to get married, you don’t just say “I do” the moment your eyes first meet.
No, instead, you start with something small.
Not even dinner yet.
Perhaps just a coffee date to get to know each other and see if there’s any chemistry before you propose anything for the long-term.
The “Dip Your Toe” course is our coffee date.
In the course I give you everything you would need to know to decide whether or not the digital info-product business is right for you.
It pulls back the curtain and shows you the inner workings of the digital info-product business — to show you what it’s actually like (like getting to know how someone actually is when no one is looking and not just what they present to the outside world) — so that you can make an informed decision to start a digital info-product business or not.
If you do decide that it’s a good fit for you then I have other courses to help you get started on the actual business step-by-step.
Q: How will I get access to the course?
A: Immediately after purchase you will be able to access your course online using a computer, tablet, or any mobile device that allows you to browse the internet.
Q: How long will I have access to the course?
A: Once you’ve made your one-time purchase you will have lifetime access to the course.
Q: Can I buy this for someone else?
A: Yes, if you’re reading this and you have someone in your life that this would be a fit for, definitely buy it for them. Send an email to support@digitalmarketingrx.com to let me know you’re buying this as a gift, tell me who it’s for, and I can create an account for them.
Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?
A: Yes!
To make this risk-free on your end.
If you find that the digital info-product business is not for you, I’ll cover the cost of your coffee on this date and will refund 100% of your $4.95 purchase.
OR if you prefer…
You can trade in your refund for a free email consultation where you can tell me about your situation and I’ll give you some advice on what other “Lifestyle-First Backup Businesses” you could start based on your specific skills & experience.
Best case scenario, you find out the digital info-product business is for you and then you decide to take the next steps and start.
Worst case scenario, you find it’s not for you and you either get your money back OR you can get a free email consultation to help you find what might be the right type of business for you.
Either way, it’s a win-win.
Here’s How To Get Instant Access To The “Dip Your Toe” Course Right Now…
Just $4.95
Yes, I Want The “Dip Your Toe” Course!