Are You Making This Mistake In Your Online Business?


Once upon a time there was a man.

A sinking man.

A man waist deep in quicksand.

How did he get there? That’s a story for another time.

For now, you (an imaginary you who for the time being doesn’t know what quicksand is) aren’t too far away.

You are walking a few hundred feet away and you hear something.

At first you can’t quite make it out.

You speed up your gait and soon enough you can hear it loud and clear.

“Help! … I need help! Anybody there? Help!”

Now you’re running.

Somebody is in trouble and you might be the only person that can help them.

You’re curious as to what could be happening and soon enough, you find out.

It’s a man.

A man sinking in quicksand.

He finds your eyes and you find his.

He immediately yells out…

“Hey, can you pull me out of here? Please!”

You take a quick second to think and take an inventory of what you’ve got on hand.


Sun screen…

Sun glasses…

It’s a hot day after all!

An umbrella…

A towel…

A rope… (you’re not quite sure why you have a rope for this walk but stick with me here for a minute)

You’ve got a few books…

And a water bottle about half full.

You stick your hand into your backpack and grab one of the items…

“Perfect!” You think to yourself. “This is just what he needs.

So you throw the man your hat…

“Hey, you’re going to need this…” you say. “It’s hot out here!”

The man dodges the hat…

“No! He says… just throw me your rope, please!”

You stick your hand back in your backpack and find a book titled, How To Find Inner Peace During Troubled Times.

Excited that you found this man’s solution, you throw him the book.

The man now has a very confused expression on his face.

“What are you doing? !” he yells out.

“Just throw me the rope!”

Finally, in a last attempt you look through your backpack and think… “you know what, this man must be thirsty… water… that’s exactly what he needs”

So you grab your last bottle that’s half-full – the only water you have left for your trip – and in a selfless act, you throw it to the man.

Once again, the man says…

“No no no… the rope… I WANT the rope!”


“Why didn’t you say that earlier? ;-)”

You throw the end of your rope out to him and after some effort you manage to pull him out.

He thanks you profusely.

Tells you to follow him to his car.

He finds his wallet and pulls out a large wad of cash.

“Here” he says.

“I want to buy ALL that stuff you threw at me earlier and NOW I also want to buy everything else you’ve got… the sunscreen, the towel… the umbrella… the backpack…. Gimme all of it – you saved my life!”

***The End***

What does any of this have to do with your online business?

I tell this tongue-in-cheek story to illustrate a point.

Many business owners are selling what they themselves want to create, NOT what their market actually wants to buy.

Then they’re shocked when no one buys what they’ve spent hours, weeks, or even months of effort on.

“I’ve put soooo much value into this program to serve my audience, they really need this stuff. Why is no one buying?”

Usually, it’s because the business owner has spent all their time putting together a package with a hat, a book, and a water bottle… but no rope… the thing your audience really wants to buy right now.

If you want your front-end offer to convert visitors into buyers.

Offer them what they want, first.

Then, once you’ve pulled them out of the quicksand with the rope, they’ll be more open to investing in your other products (things they need but don’t necessarily want right now).

Some practical steps for discovering what your audience wants to buy right now…

1 – Take a look at what products your market is already buying right now.

A great place to do this is on Amazon.

– What products are the most popular in your market?
– Look for the products with the most positive reviews.
– What are those products?
– Do you notice a trend?
– Why do you think that might be?
– Is it something you could incorporate into your front-end offer?

Outside of Amazon…

– What are the top-selling products?
– Why do you think people are buying those?
– What does that say about what your market really wants right now?

2 – Take what you’ve learned from your research above and incorporate those lessons into your front-end offer.

It could be as simple as adding a free premium or bonus people get when they purchase your main product.

It might mean changing the name of your product to focus on a benefit they want right now rather than what they need.

Or you may find it necessary to create a brand new front-end offer from scratch.

It’s hard work.

It takes time and effort.

And you will likely fail a few times before you get it right.

But once you do get it right, you’ll have cracked the code on getting a steady stream of daily first-time buyers in your market.

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See you next time…

-Eddys Velasquez

P.S. A question to reflect on…

“What is the quicksand of my market?”