Are You Holding Yourself Back From Getting Customers For Your Info-Product?


I’ve seen people choose their topic, research their audience, choose which problem they’re going to solve, start working on an info-product, even finish their info-product…

Everything seems like it’s going great, they’re on a roll, and then…

One of two things happens.

They start selling their info-product and continue making progress.


They completely stop.

It’s as if they hit a wall and can’t move forward.


The truth is there are many reasons why people don’t move forward but one common reason is once people have their info-product ready to sell…

They’re afraid (or feel uncomfortable) to sell it!

They did all the work of getting their info-product ready to go but they just can’t seem to push the “start” button on actually getting some customers.

Usually, this has to do with their beliefs around selling.

“Selling feels slimy or icky”

“Selling requires me to lie in order for people to buy my product”

“Selling is unethical”

“Selling means I’ll be tricking or taking advantage of people”

Often, these beliefs come through previous experiences of getting sold to in that manner.

There’s a lot of people ready to hype you up with over-exaggerated claims, outrageous promises, and even straight up lies about the availability of their offer.

If you’re an agreeable person who really hates to say “no”, these high pressure tactics can feel downright coercive for you.

There’s no shortage of “last chance”, “ok, this is really your last chance”, “Alright, I know I said last time was the last time, but this time it really is your last chance” emails in your inbox from people who’ve run the same exact offer multiple times with fake scarcity & fake urgency. You begin to ignore their emails and you stop trusting them.

It makes sense why some people would think…

“If I have to do THAT to sell my product, I don’t want to do it.”

I don’t blame you or anyone for thinking that.

The problem is, when people oppose something, they tend to gravitate towards the opposite extreme.

“If I don’t want to sell like that then… I shouldn’t sell at all.”

That thought keeps them frozen, at a stand-still, they are no longer willing to move forward because they think that’s the only way to sell or be successful at getting customers.

But the true obstacle is most people find it easier to HOLD ON to their opposite & often extreme belief instead of doing the hard work of digging deeper to learn how to sell effectively, in a way that fits them & their audience, without hype, outlandish claims, or lies.

A friend of mine once told me…

“It’s easier to explain why we shouldn’t do something we’re uncomfortable with than it is to face the thing we’re uncomfortable with by DOING something about it.”

If you’ve had trouble starting to sell your info-product, consider asking yourself…

1 – Is it because I’m afraid of being slimy… unethical… coercive?
2 – Have I thought… I mean really thought… about why I’m uncomfortable with selling?
3 – Am I aware of which extreme belief I’m naturally drawn toward? Have I tried to find balance between the extremes?
4 – Have I learned how to serve my audience by genuinely helping them to find a solution to a problem that’s getting in their way?

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-Eddys Velasquez