How To Use An E-book To Make Your First $100 Online


One of the questions I’m often asked is…

“If you had to start over (with what you know now), what would you do to create an income stream from scratch?”

There are over a thousand and one ways to answer that question.

However, today I’m going to focus on just ONE way.

A simple way to use an E-book to make your first $100 online.

Why just $100?

Why not $1,000 or $10,000+ or more?

Because everything has to start somewhere.

Before you can run you have to learn to walk.

Before you can walk you have to learn to crawl.

And before you can crawl, you have to develop enough muscle strength to hold yourself up.

You can’t just skip that first part and expect to start running right away.

If your aspiration is to make $1,000+ or more from a digital internet-based business, then I recommend you first learn the basic skills it takes to make $100.

The steps you take to make your first $100 will help develop your business “muscle” so that in the near future you can crawl, walk, and eventually pick up some speed & run.

The Big Picture

Here’s the 10,000 ft view of this process:

Step 1 – Create an E-book that provides a step-by-step solution to a specific problem shared by lots of people.

You’ll want to do this on a topic you are knowledgeable or experienced in. This way you’ll have an easier time creating the E-book and you’ll also be able to create a solution that actually works for people.

Step 2 – Create free content to educate people on their problem and to motivate & inspire them to do something about it.

You can distribute your content on social media using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest or any other social media platform you prefer.

It can be written, audio, or video content. That part is up to you.

If people find it valuable, they will share it and you will get even more people seeing your content.

The key to success with this will be for you to get into a consistent routine. Perhaps you post new content once a week or if you want to go faster you can post multiple times a week.

And if you want things to move even faster, you can post something new each day.

Step 3 – Offer Your E-book at the end of each piece of content.

Not everyone will buy your E-book and that is ok. You just need a few people to buy it to make your first $100.

If you offer a 10 dollar E-book you’ll only need 10 customers.
If you offer a 20 dollar E-book you’ll only need 5 customers.
If you offer a 50 dollar E-book you’ll only need 2 customers.

Repeat steps 2 & 3 until you’ve made your first $100.

This process will teach you…

What type of content gets people’s attention.

What type of content keeps people’s interest.

What type of content produces sales vs which content doesn’t.

The more content you post the more learning opportunities you’ll have.

Your #1 goal here will be to determine what combination of Content + E-book Topic gets people to purchase.

Important Disclaimer

Don’t expect to make your first sale overnight.

This process takes time.

Once you’ve completed your first E-book, it could be 30-90 days of posting content before you make your first sale.

And if you don’t make any sales at all you may need to adjust the type of content you are posting, the frequency, or in some cases the topic of your E-book and try again.

You may even need to try 3-10 new E-book topics before you find something that works.

It’s not easy.

However, once you’ve found the right ingredients to get purchases (the right combination of content + E-book topic) and you’re able to make at least $100, you’ll then be able to scale that same recipe into a larger income stream.

Why Start With An E-book?

An E-book allows anyone (especially beginners) to get started using only their knowledge & experience.

It’s digital so you can create the E-book once and sell any number of copies you want without having to deal with printing, shipping, or handling any inventory.

And if you’re an introvert, it means you don’t have to get on video or record any audio. All you have to do is write!

WHO Is A Good Fit For This?

1 – You’ve got a specific area of knowledge or experience.

2 – You are capable of using that knowledge or experience to solve someone’s problem.

3 – You have a process for solving that problem (or can create one) that you can break down into sequential steps that are easy to follow.

4 – You have the ability and willingness to create content.

5 – You are able to create content on a consistent basis (even if it’s just once a week to start).

6 – You are self-disciplined enough to stay consistent even when you may not see immediate results.

If you fit the above criteria and want to learn the process and necessary skills for making your first $100 with an E-book step-by-step, subscribe to my email newsletter and send me an email with the word “E-book”. I’ll then let you in on a little secret that’s coming soon.

See you next week!

-Eddys Velasquez